New year, new site, right? Although, it is May. A few things happened between January, when I wanted to do this, and now...


This is just a quick post mainly to highlight the new theme I'm using. It's called Colorie, and I really quite like it. The old site's CSS was written by hand, and while I think it still looks neat, there were definitely areas that could use improvement. I like Colorie because it's minimal and each page looks actual page, made of paper. Perfect for long and short posts alike.

Here's the old site for reference:


And the site before that:


And the old blog post about this: Announcing This Website

In that post I talked about dark mode and why I wanted the redesign to be dark. I've since reconsidered, mainly due to Colorie's color pallete. It's definitely nicer on the eyes, and I think it just looks fun. So, this redesign is light. Maybe dark mode returns next year? ;P

Tagged #announcement.

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